The best mountain hotel in Central America

Monteverde, Guanacaste
$35,000,000 Property ID: 13306

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Location: Monteverde, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Return on Investment was approximately 6% capitalization rate pre COVID

The current ownership is looking to downsize their portfolio of hotels.

This hotel is one of the few five-star mountain resorts in all of Central America. Every inch of this property is built to high-quality standards. There is approximately 20,000 square meters of construction on site.

Grounds – The property consists of 60 acres of which 30% has been developed. The developed area is completely landscaped with tropical vegetation.

Rooms - There are 155 rooms that are made up of Luxury Suites, Junior Suites, and upscale rooms. Room rates run between $250 to $325 per night. There are also three homes in the complex that are available to rent.

Restaurants – There are two fully equipped restaurants on site – One seats 250 and the other 150. Both are decorated to meet five-star standards.

Conference Center – The main conference center can seat 300 and has a full-service kitchen. There are also four smaller conference rooms for groups of up to 10.

Laundry Facility – There is a laundry facility on premise.

Spa – The spa is fully furnished with upscale furnishings.

Pool and Bar Facility – The pool is under-roof and has a full-service bar and extensive decks

Zip Line Operations – There is a first-class zip line operation on site that is a very popular destination point.

Future Development - There is an area that has the infrastructure for an additional 200 room facility. This facility can be either traditional hotel rooms or can be built as condominiums. There is also the opportunity to subdivide parts of the existing property and create approximately 20 lots.

The resort also has 12 rooms to accommodate your staff. In addition, there is a tennis court and a small football/soccer field.

There is also a water treatment facility on the property, along with 3 water sources and 7 water wells.

Financing – Financing is available for the right buyer with customary down payment of at least 20%.

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Property Type
Hotel / Leisure
LOT Area (SQ M)
Floor Area (SQ M)
Year Built
Additional Features
Parking Spaces : 60
View : Ocean

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